Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Audio for The Giver

Find it here:


The Giver

Remember, for each chapter you are responsible to complete the following:

 1) Answer the chapter questions
 2) Draw the main event on your storyboard for that chapter
 3) Fill in your concept map of The Giver.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Due Dates: Community Poster and Reading Novel Log

Your Community Poster and Reading Novel Log are both due on November 1st, 2012

Community Poster Assignment

Your task is to create an advertisement for your version of an ideal community. Students will be voting on which community they wish to live in. There will be a prize for the most popular community.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Short Story Complex Task Due Date

The due date for your short story is October 22nd, 2012. Remember, any pathetic excuses why your work is not done will result in severe consequences!!!

Comic Strip - Short Story Complex Task